Photography Chris Stenberg Photography Chris Stenberg

Behind the Photo No.02 — Addis Ababa Carousel Kids

A working trip to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2013 with Canadian Humanitarian led to perhaps one of the best photos I have ever taken. Taken on a rickety carousel that led to a near vomit experience for the photographer, this photo is the culmination of a day spent with some wonderful students in the Ethiopian capitol. This image was shot on a Canon 5D Mark III with a 24-105mm F4 IS USM lens.

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Photography Chris Stenberg Photography Chris Stenberg

Behind the Photo No.01 — Fukuoka and the Boy in the Fountain

Rather than a standard photo tutorial, Behind the Photo is meant to be a real world example with technical information on how the photo was taken. For BTP No.01 I introduce the idea and a photo from 2001 shot on Fuji film in Fukuoka Japan with a basic Minolta SLR camera. This was the first picture that truly inspired me and encouraged me to pursue a profession in visual arts.

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Travel Chris Stenberg Travel Chris Stenberg

Wandering Nørrebro - Copenhagen

While all of Copenhagen is an absolute delight, this small several block enclave is the perfect mix of shabby chic, Danish design, hipster coffee, and great eats and drinks. In fact, I found myself here several times over my stay in Copenhagen, and would a recommend a trip to this neighbourhood to anyone.

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